MasterChef works out perfectly as planned. Glory to God.
How it works?
CMYF-ians are asked to form a group of 10 peoples and a leader will be chosen among them. Group leader will then divide the job among the members like 2 peoples buying ingredients, 3 peoples washes the ingredients, 3 peoples slicing/cutting the ingredients, and 2 peoples for cooking the ingredients. Then the cooked food will be tasted by 4 judges. Highest marks from the judges won the game.
How did they get their money to buy ingredients?
First, they are asked to pick a question from powerpoint slide and answer them. If the question is answered correctly, then they will get 10 bucks for their ingredients. There are meat, vegetables, onions, and etc etc. The price for the ingredients are reasonable too. For example, a beef would cost 25 bucks where an orange or an onion cost 5 bucks. That's because beef can be used and main dish while orange and onion can only be used as a decoration.