主題: 信仰與人生的重建
Theme: Faith and Life Transformation
(23 Aug 2010, 7.30pm at Dallas Brook Centre - 300 Albert St, East Melbourne VIC 3002)
(24-25 Aug 2010, 8pm at Christian City Church - 171 Rooks Road, Vermont VIC 3133)
*免费凭票入场 Free Admission by Ticket
专题: 撒但的投資與基督教的衰微
Seminar: The Investment of Satan and the Deterioration of Christianity
(24 Aug 2010, 5pm at Christian City Church - 171 Rooks Road, Vermont VIC 3133)
问题解答 Q&A
(25 Aug 2010, 5pm at Christian City Church - 171 Rooks Road, Vermont VIC 3133)
讲员 Speaker: 唐崇荣博士 Dr Stephen Tong
翻译 Translator: 杨达明长老 Elder Teck Meng Yong
国语主讲英语传译 Mandarin with English interpretation
所有聚会免费入场,请及早入座 Free Admission for all events, please come early to reserve your seat.
主办:唐崇荣国际布 道团 Stephen Tong Evangelistic Ministries International
For those who wants to go for the seminar and theme talk, please inform Nelson @ 0412369313 or Eric @ 0466090096 asap in order to get tickets