Friday, September 11, 2009

Bible study in Cell Group

What is Cell Group?

Cell group is a group of believers geared toward the building up of the Body of Christ and whose vision is to provide a personal ministry and fellowship to any member of the church. They in turn will promote growth in every part of the body as each individual member ministers and is ministered to and strengthened through interpersonal relationship based on commitment to the cell group. It is understood that the group's commitment to God is also the commitment to the church.

As for your preparation for the cell group, Please spend some of your time reading these questions.

哥林多前書 查經材料(6




2. 在這件事上,哥林多教會的領袖犯了什麽錯,為甚麼保羅也責備他們5:2對今日的教會來説,我們應該注意何事呢?

3. 把人的身體交給撒但是什麼意思?5:5為何敗壞他的身體,靈魂卻得救?

4. 聖經中的酵代表什麼?為什麼要把舊酵除掉?5:7



6. 何謂相交?保羅說不要與怎麼樣的人相交?5:9,11

7. 耶穌曾和稅吏及罪人在一起吃飯,為什麼聖徒不可以和犯罪的基督徒相交?

8. 基督徒如何與世人相交
