Thursday, July 9, 2009

theme talk by Robin Lim : One Voice

"One Voice" is mainly about unity in a body. With the same goal, same determination and same attitude, we will then have a consensus - one voice. Robin started the theme talk with a mini quiz regarding the characters of Lord of The Rings, which basically caught everyone's attention. He emphasizes that despite being the weakest and smallest among the races, the Hobbit stands out and takes the responsibility to destroy the ring. Right after witnessing the courage of the Hobbit, the other races forms a fellowship to guide him along the journey.

This is the attitude and commitment that we want to see today. The desire to serve despite being the most unnoticed or getting the less attention. The determination to serve our Lord is what we would like to see from everyone as we know that serving the Lord is the responsibility of His servants (us). No matter how tiring or challenging it is, we should be committed and serve willingly.

Theme talk by Robin Lim, Chairman of the MYF Annual Conference
title: One Voice

Emily Yii won the question session prepared by our speaker Robin Lim to get us started with the theme talk.

The Camberwell CMYF is happy to welcome the 3 new friends among us that night with some simple but meaningful souvenirs,
presented to them by our theological student Tiong Kong Eing.

New Friends:
Alan (1st photo)
Duen Hang (2nd photo)
Martin (3rd photo)

Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)